Natural Cure Bacterial Vaginosis

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Who Wants a Vaginal Infection? - Tips To Prevent This Problem

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Vaginal infections are so common that American women make an estimated four million visits to doctors each year because of them, it’s happen when other organisms grow and change the normal balance of organisms in the vagina. Vaginal infections can be caused by stress, repeated douches, changes in hormone levels, poor diet, pregnancy, taking antibiotics, and/or poorly maintained diabetes and/or HIV.

Vaginal infections are often accompanied by vaginitis, which is an inflammation of the vagina characterized by discharge, irritation, and/or itching, it can cause severe discomfort when passing urine and can make intercourse painful.

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis is simple and involves taking antibiotic tablets, it take five to seven days of antibiotics taken orally or inserted in the vagina, the treatment is up to 80 per cent effective if it is used according to the instructions.

Treatment will depend what type of vaginitis you have, you can also buy some antifungal treatments from a pharmacy – these are useful if you are sure you have thrush and want to treat yourself, the pharmacist will be able to advise if you have any questions, or are unsure how to use the treatment.

What are the signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.

Symptoms include severe vulva itching, vulva swelling, and a cottage cheese appearing discharge, symptoms and signs associated with this infection, such as marked itching, a thick discharge and vulvar or vaginal erythema, are not accurate predictors of confirmed Candida infection; therefore, each patient should be assessed by laboratory testing to ensure accurate diagnosis. Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are more likely to occur during the week before a menstrual period, the cause of vaginitis may not always be determined adequately solely on the basis of symptoms or a physical examination.


PreventionTo help prevent vaginal yeast infections, you can try the following suggestions:

- Keep the external genital area clean and dry.
- Preventing Vaginal Infections Gently wash your vulva and anus regularly.
- The best way to prevent vaginal infection is to take good care of yourself.
- To avoid vaginitis, choose cotton tampons over synthetic, don't keep tampons in longer than the recommended six to eight hours, and use pads, again preferably cotton, at night.

The three most common vaginal infections are vaginal yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis, many women with vaginitis also have vaginal infections, This problem, which are inflammation of the vagina are common in women, and about 75 percent of females will develop such an infection during their lifetime.

Learn about the signs and symptoms of vaginal infections, and find out what treatments are recommended in my Yeast Infection Site.

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Home Treatment To Bacterial Vaginal Infection

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Health A bacterial vaginal infection can also be known by the names of a yeast infection, candida, candidiasis, and vaginitis amongst other things. In fact of the more than 75% of the women who will get a bacterial vaginal infection in their lifetime, many of them will have recurrent bacterial vaginal infection symptoms. That said, there's really no need to worry as in general a bacterial vaginal infection can be cured, or cleared up, with only minimal fuss or bother. Since a bacterial vaginal infection normally occurs only when there's a bodily imbalance, you should keep to a healthy lifestyle.

More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Bacterial vaginosis is available below. The itching alone is something that you could do without, but when you throw in the other symptoms such as vaginal discharge, a burning sensation, rash, possible pain during sexual intercourse and an irritation of the vagina, it's really more than anyone should have to bear. Sometimes women think they have a vaginal yeast infection when symptoms are caused by another problem instead. If you are not pregnant and you are certain that your symptoms are caused by a vaginal yeast infection, you can self-treat with a non prescription antifungal vaginal medication.

The first step in effective treatment for vulvo vaginal candidiasis is correct diagnosis to rule out bacterial vaginitis and establish species of. Appropriate treatment for vulvo vaginal candidiasis depends on a variety of factors including severity of symptoms, species of yeast and patient. Prescription medications are of course the preferred treatment for many women suffering from a bacterial vaginal infection, but there are yet more women who will turn to the route of home remedies to help cure themselves.

It is important to note that some bacterial vaginal infections can lead to sterility if not treated in a timely manner, so if you do not see an improvement in your symptoms within a few days of beginning an over-the-counter yeast cream you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

Learn more about home remedies and naturtal cures in Yeast Infection Site

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Bacterial Vaginosis - Thrush Away The Candida Vaginal Infection

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Bacterial vaginosis is a common condition in women; and in many cases women diagnosed with the problem become alarmingly concerned, all because they know nothing about this health matter. With a better understanding on bacterial vaginosis, it will however, help the woman cope with any symptoms and more importantly, how to treat it.

Bacterial vaginosis is directed towards the female vagina. In abbreviation (BV) is very much a vaginal condition caused by an overgrowth of various bacteria. It is not just a simple infection caused by one type of bacterium. One of the primary symptoms is vaginal discharge and all women at some time emit this substance. BV has been labeled as being the most common cause of vaginal discharge in women of childbearing age. The vaginal deposit in colour is normally recognized as a white-grey. It is not rare to detect at this stage of the condition a distinctive odour (fishy smell) which women find embarrassing. Embarrassment comes to the fore for the female when having sex because the smell tends to get stronger. Some women may notice a heavier release of vaginal discharge just after a period.

The actual bacterial vaginosis discharge is not as a rule known to cause discomfort i.e. soreness around the vulva or itchiness. For some women their daily activities go undisturbed due to absent symptoms - leaving them unaware that they suffer from the condition. Amazingly In some cases BV is found by chance after a medical examination. Aside from the primary cause - the second cause of discharge can be due to thrush, thrush is an infection caused by yeast called Candida. In contrast to BV you can expect to see a thick white discharge and experience discomfort. Symptoms for this health issue are itchiness and soreness around the vagina and vulva. Once again another embarrassing situation to find your self in if the itch gets out of control.

BV may have several bacteria present in the vagina; it is not solely instigated by just one type. There is still no clear answer as to why the overgrowth of bacteria occurs. However research still goes on. Surprisingly there are many types of harmless bacteria which enter the vagina, however although harmless to the female these bacteria's are a type of defence which wage a war against harmful germs such as Candida etc. There is no indication that this complaint has anything to do with personal hygiene. Bacterial vaginosis is not initiated by lack of profuse cleansing. Facts actually show that excessive washing in the private region can upset the normal balance of bacteria which can encourage it to develop.

A couple of questions that pop up often from women is, is bacterial vaginosis a sexually transmitted disease? No it is not an STD, it can affect any woman. The second question is, are there any possible complications with bacterial vaginosis that I need to know about? Expectant mothers suffering from BV can increase the risk of developing some complications during pregnancy if it is not treated. Complications can be that of miscarriage, early labour, or infection of the uterus (womb) after delivery.

Going without medication (treatment) there is a strong possibility of developing infections. As stated earlier the better understanding on BV the better for the patient. Pick up a leaflet from your local hospital or clinic on bacterial vaginosis, but for a better understanding - talk to your doctor.

Rid Vaginal Odour Vaginal Thrush Remedy For Wrinkles

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Bacterial Vaginal Infection - What is It and Solutions to Treat It

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



As you probably know we can give many other names to a bacterial vaginal infection: Yeast infection, vaginitis, candida, candidiasis and probably many more names for this kind of infection. But in the end the important thing is do you have one, is it driving you crazy?

I am sure you could do without any of the symptoms that comes with it, symptoms like:

- itching
- vaginal discharge
- burning sensation
- rash
- pain during sexual intercourse
- irritation of the vagina

Do you really need to endure theses symptoms?

The bad thing about a bacterial vaginal infection is you’re going to have to live with it until you figure out a way to cure it.

One important factor to be aware of is even if you do not feel any pain during sexual intercourse, you should always restrain yourself until you’re on your way to recovery. The bacterial vaginal infection is not classified as a sexual transmitted disease but in certain cases it can be transmitted to your partner during sexual intercourse.

Even if you your partner are male, it does not mean he cannot be infected. Of course in its case it would not be a bacterial vaginal infection but instead we would be talking about a male yeast infection also known as a penile infection.

Another point you may already know is that bacterial vaginal infection can be recurrent. Maybe you have gone thru your first infection and were able to cure it easily but there is still a good chance you could get it again.

The statistic says that approximately 75% of the women will get a bacterial vaginal infection in their lifetime. Unfortunately many of them will have symptoms of a recurrent bacterial vaginal infection.

But you should not worry too much. Usually bacterial vaginal infection can be cure or cleared up with very little effort or bother. Fortunately there are many possible cures for a bacterial vaginal infection.

Of course sometimes the infections can be quite stubborn. In those cases it takes a lot of efforts, medication and more for a woman just to get rid of it. Usually medication is the treatment that a woman prefers. But did you know that more and more women are turning themselves to the route of natural remedies?

One of the most popular natural or home treatments happens to be that of applying natural unsweetened yogurt to the infected region. This is only one proven method to get rid of a bacterial vaginal infection.

Having a healthy lifestyle is probably the best way to get rid of recurrent bacterial vaginal infection. This will make sure you stay away from bodily imbalances that can cause bacterial vaginal infection. Other things to consider would be to stay away form douches and other products that can create a warm inviting place for the candid Albicans bacteria to thrive in your vagina.

If you are tired of suffering from bacterial vaginal infection visit our website at We provide various information to help understand and treat yeast infection. Find the best yeast infection treatment and yeast infection cure.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bacterial Vaginosis Causes Symptoms Information With Treatment

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Bacterial vaginosis is a mild infection in the vagina caused by a type of bacteria (germ). For grammatical reasons, some people prefer to call it vaginal bacteriosis. The condition results from an overgrowth of normal bacteria in the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis is not passed by sex and is not dangerous, but it can cause disturbing symptoms.

Many women mistakenly believe that yeast infections are the most common type of vaginal infection but bacterial vaginosis is the most frequently occurring vaginal infection affecting from 10 percent to 64 percent of the female population at any given time. Studies indicate that a woman with bacterial vaginosis has an increased chance of having a variety of other reproductive tract problems. Therefore, diagnosis and treatment are important.

Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis

The common Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis :

The exact cause of BV is unknown .

Having a new sex partner or multiple sex partners .

Using an intrauterine device (IUD) for birth control .

Not using a condom.


Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis

Some Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis :

Strong, unpleasant vaginal odor

Vaginal discharge.

A bothersome "fishy" odor, which is usually worse after sex.

Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis

Antibiotics can kill the problem bacteria causing BV symptoms but sometimes don't reverse the underlying cause. Therefore, BV symptoms recur in about 30% of women after antibiotic treatment.

In about 25% of women, BV symptoms resolve on their own. This happens when the vaginal lactobacilli organisms increase to their normal levels, and other bacteria levels drop.

Restoring levels of "good" lactobacillus organisms in the vagina using yogurt or dietary supplements.

Antibiotics and antimicrobial creams.

Bacterial vaginosis can be cured by antibiotics such as metronidazole and tetracycline there is however a high rate of recurrence.

The usual dose is 400 mg twice a day for seven days. A single dose of 2 grams is an alternative, although this may be less effective and may cause more side-effects.

Juliet Cohen writes health articles for diseases and disorders. She also writes articles on women beauty tips

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Yogurt, The Best Way To Cure The Bacterial Vaginosis

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



This treatment methods can run the gamut from apple cider vinegar baths to garlic suppositories to yogurt coated tampons. Bacterial vaginosis treatment with antibiotics will generally consist of metronidazole or even clindamycin. This type of treatment is not restricted to medicines alone.

There are two simple methods for this bacterial vaginosis treatment to be effective:

Method 1:

This method requires you to paint the walls of the vagina with the yogurt. This method can get fairly messy of course so we recommend you to wear a pad while the yogurt is applied to avoid spillage.

Method 2:

This second method is less messy and requires you to use a tampon. You just need to slightly coat the tampon in the yogurt and insert it into the vagina. Just make sure you replace it every few hours.

You then insert this suppository into your vagina leaving a length of the dental floss dangling to be able to pull it out when you need to. This should be done every few hours or overnight until the infection gets better.

There are certain common and not so common herbs that have proven effective in bacterial vaginosis treatment. Use of clindamycin vaginal cream is not recommended for bacterial vaginosis treatment in pregnant women.

And if you don’t fancy trying out either of these natural remedies you always have the option of turning to other alternative natural remedies. Bacterial vaginosis treatment methods can run the gamut from apple cider vinegar baths to garlic suppositories to yogurt coated tampons.

Two very simple ways to get off the bacterial vaginosis, learn how in Yeast Infection site

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis!

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Bacterial Vaginosis is the name of a condition in women where the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted and replaced by an overgrowth of certain bacteria, this is an abnormal vaginal condition that is characterized by vaginal discharge. Bacterial vaginosis is not passed by sex and is not dangerous, but it can cause disturbing symptoms. The infection may cause problems with a pregnancy but it can safely be treated when you are pregnant and when you are breastfeeding – this won’t harm the baby, but do tell the doctor or nurse that you are pregnant.

What are the signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis? Symptoms may include: A watery, pearly grey discharge instead of normal vaginal secretions, a strong or unusual odor from the vagina. Symptoms include too, malodorous discharge, itching and burning, however, some women with bacterial vaginosis have no symptoms, it should disappear within a few days.

There could be a variety of causes. It occurs when there is a complex change in the number and types of bacteria in the vagina. In most cases, bacterial vaginosis causes no complications. This condition used to be called Gardnerella vaginitis, because Gardnerella is a type of bacteria that sometimes causes the infection, primary causes of bacterial vaginosis include an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria and the Gardnerella organism

Treatment is especially important for pregnant women, as the infection has been linked to a number of serious health complications. Treatment is simple for both men and women and is only necessary if you have signs and symptoms of thrush. Treatment is up to 80 per cent effective if it is used according to the instructions, it depends on the type of vaginitis you have.

Oral antibiotic treatment is sometimes prescribed and may be available if you request it from your physician. Treatment may involve the use of metronidazole tablets by mouth or vaginal creams made from metronidazole or another antibiotic called clindamycin. After treatment, the condition generally resolves without complications, but up to 15% of women have recurrent symptoms that need to be treated with a second course of antibiotics.

Bacterial vaginosis is the very common vaginal condition where the normal predominant Lactobacillus inhabitants of the vagina have been replaced by a mixed population of anaerobic bacteria that appear to open up the female genital region to a host of other infections and complications, It is NOT generally considered to be a sexually transmitted infection because it occurs in women who are not sexually active. Treatment is recommended for women with an offensive discharge due to bacterial vaginosis pregnant women found to have bacterial vaginosis who had a premature birth with a previous pregnancy.

Learn more about measures and steps to help prevent recurrence of bacterial vaginosis in Yeast Infection site

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

How To Get Rid of Bacterial Vaginosis - Effective Techniques for Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Some of the natural bacterial vaginosis treatment techniques can run the range from utilizing an apple cider vinegar bath, garlic suppositories or even a yogurt covered tampon. Bacterial vaginosis treatment with antibiotics will generally consist of metronidazole or even clindamycin. Some women have tried every bacterial vaginosis treatment available, and either nothing has worked or they find they have recurrent bacterial vaginosis. This is fairly common with Doctor prescribed antibiotics. The real trick to bacterial vaginosis treatment is in utilizing a regimen to prevent bacterial vaginosis in the first place. There are effective methods for this, you just have to know how. We will have more information on this later.

Are You A Bacterial Vaginosis Sufferer?

If you are one of the many women that suffer from bacterial vaginosis, you may wondering exactly what it will take to get rid of the itching and burning sensation that is so annoying with this condition. You could either have itching and/or burning together or just one at a time or you may not notice either of these conditions.

Antibiotics may kill off the bacteria overgrowth associated with bacterial vaginosis, but may not solve the underlying cause of your bacterial vaginosis. What will happen many times with using antibiotics, will be a recurring bout of bacterial vaginosis after treatment, due to the fact that antibiotics will kill off all of the bacteria, even the good bacteria that normally exists in the vagina. So it is very possible that another overgrowth of recurrent bacterial vaginosis will occur even after bacterial vaginosis treatment with antibiotics.

No Need For Despair

There is no need for despair, there are many alternative natural treatments for bacterial vaginosis treatment for you to try besides prescription antibiotics. You may want to actually consult a physician before natural bacterial vaginosis treatment, you may in fact not even have bacterial vaginosis. You may have a different condition altogether. So check first with your physician if you have any doubt. If you are pregnant, it is always a very good idea to check with your physician before attempting any bacterial vaginosis treatment, there could be serious complications for the mother as well as the unborn fetus if you suspect you have bacterial vaginosis.

Medical Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

Bacterial vaginosis treatment for women that are not pregnant generally consists of oral or vaginal metronidazole gel. Bacterial vaginosis treatment utilizing a single dose of metronidazole may result in a higher than normal relapse rate than utilizing this medication over an extended period of time. Bacterial vaginosis treatment is generally quick and painless, most health risks associated vaginal infections are fairly low.

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment - Naturally

Bacterial vaginosis is a fairly simple condition to diagnose and treat. But when it will not go away, or you end up with recurrent bacterial vaginosis, it can be annoying as well as extremely frustrating. The key to bacterial vaginosis treatment is to not contract it at all. There are many highly effective natural preventive measures that you can take on a daily basis. There are ways to get rid of bacterial vaginosis and to never have it again without the high cost of a Doctor visit. Approach your bacterial vaginosis treatment naturally.

My name is Charlene Rhodes, I have researched bacterial vaginosis treatment extensively and exhaustively. My research has lead me to the conclusion that a little bit of prevention goes a long way in dealing with bacterial vaginosis. Click Here to find out how to get rid of bacterial vaginosis and how to never get bacterial vaginosis again.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bacterial Vaginosis Cause and Symptom of Bacterial Vaginosis

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Bacterial vaginosis results in an overgrowth of bacteria that exist normally in the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis is believed to be more common than a yeast infection. It is believed that it cannot be transmitted from one individual to another like many sexually transmitted diseases, but it may be associated with intercourse. Bacterial vaginosis may be the most common cause of vaginal odor and discharge.

Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis

  • As many as 50 percent of women that have bacterial vaginosis have no symptoms at all.
  • A strong, fishy or even a musty odor along with a milky white or greyish colored discharge.
  • There may be a strong odor, worse during menstruation or after intercourse.
  • Burning and/or itching may or may not occur along with the odor.


Increase in Harmful Bacterial

In women that have bacterial vaginosis, they will have a large increase in the amount of potentially harmful bacteria as well as a significant decrease in the number of normal, protective bacteria in the vagina. Nearly 50 percent of women that have bacterial vaginosis experience absolutely no symptoms.

Women who have bacterial vaginosis may have an increased risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease, which could potentially result in hospitalization. Many women, once having this condition, begin to experience recurrences of the condition. Some women could be classified as chronic bacterial vaginosis sufferers. The risk of bacterial vaginosis may increase as women approach menopause as well as those that have diabetes.

Treatment for Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis

Treatments available for bacterial vaginosis may relieve the symptoms but may not, in all cases, lead to a cure. As for the good news, treatment is fairly simple and generally effective, upon a proper diagnosis by your Doctor. In approximately 30 percent of the cases, bacterial vaginosis periodically returns after treatment. The recommended treatments for bacterial vaginosis are best determined by your Doctor. Bacterial vaginosis is generally treated with a topical treatment, although at times, it is treated orally.

Bacterial Vaginosis Significantly Under Diagnosed

Bacterial vaginosis is believed to be greatly under diagnosed due to the fact that many women falsely assume that they have contracted a yeast infection and will treat their symptoms with over the counter treatments. Bacterial vaginosis is readily treated with antibiotics, in the form of oral means or topical vaginal creams that are prescribed by a doctor. Bacterial vaginosis is a condition that is all too common among women.

Charlene Rhodes is a natural health enthusiast on issues pertaining to women's health concerns. For a FREE book on bacterial vaginosis and how to effectively treat this condition at home. Please visit me here and find out how to deal with bacterial vaginosis once and for all. Bacterial Vaginosis At Home Treatment

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bacterial Vaginosis or Trichomonas... An Overview of the Two

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Both bacterial vaginosis and trichomonas are common gynecological ailments. They are also very similar, which causes many women to become confused about both conditions. While there are some similarities, there are enough differences between bacterial vaginosis and trichomonas that can help people distinguish the difference between the two conditions.

Bacterial vaginosis is an inflammation of the vagina. It is the most common form of vaginal infection, accounting for between 10 and 64 percent of all vaginal infections at any gven time. This infection is primarily caused by an overgrowth of the Gardnerella organism or anaerobic bacteria. While bacteria are common in the vagina, there is a necessary balance. When that balance is off, inflammation occurs.

The most common symptom of bacterial vaginosis is a fishy, unpleasant, and pronounced vaginal odor. It is also common for women to experience an itching or burning sensation, but this is not always a symptom of bacterial vaginosis. In fact, it is not uncommon for a woman to have bacterial vaginosis and experience no physical symptoms. Many learn that they have bacterial vaginosis after a routine pelvic exam at their doctor’s office. This is why doctors stress the importance of not douching at least a week before your pelvic exam.

It is estimated that 3 million women every year are infected with the organism that causes trichomonas. It is, in fact, a very common sexually transmitted disease. It is unclear how many men are infected each year with trichomonas.

Trichomonas is most commonly transmitted to others through unprotected sexual intercourse. There have been cases where the disease has been transmitted through shared towels, but these cases are rare. Women have even transmitted the disease to their newborn babies through childbirth.

Women are often not aware that they have this sexually transmitted disease. Most people experience no symptoms as a result of trichomonas infection. This is why so many people are unaware that they have the infection.

Some of the symptoms of trichomonas include painful sexual intercourse, vaginal irritation, odorous vaginal discharge that is yellow, green, or white, and vaginal inflammation. If symptoms do occur, they usually become apparent between four and twenty days after infection. Men usually experience no symptoms at all.

If you suspect that you may have one of these conditions, it is important to make an appointment to see your gynecologist. Only a trained professional can properly diagnose and treat both of these medical conditions.

Kristi Patrice Carter is an experienced health writer and the author of Beating Bacterial Vaginosis for Good! (A comprehensive eBook that teaches women how to successfully overcome Bacterial Veginosis). For additional information about Bacterial Vaginosis Recurrent please visit

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Fishy Vaginal Odor - Bacterial Vaginosis

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Vaginal odor is usually caused from inflammation of the vaginal area. This is almost always a result of infection in or around the vagina. The most common infection that causes this fishy vaginal odor is bacterial aginosis.

What is bacterial vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis is an abnormal vaginal condition that is most often recognized by a fishy vaginal discharge. This is a result from an overgrowth of normal bacteria in the vagina. You may have heard of Gardnerella vaginitis. This is what this condition used to be called. It was named after the bacteria that was thought to cause the condition.

New research found that there are several different species of bacteria that live naturally in the vaginal area. Gardnerella is not the only bacteria causing all the odor. The name of this condition has been changed to bacteria vaginosis to reflect these new findings. When all the different species of bacteria become imbalanced, you will notice a vaginal discharge that is associated with a fishy odor.

Bacterial vaginosis is not a STD. It is not passed by sex. It is very embarrassing and disturbing but it is not dangerous. If you notice an unusual discharge, you should have it checked so you can rule out chlamydia and gonorrhea which are serious infections.

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?

The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are a foul, fishy odor and a grayish white discharge. The amount of the discharge varies so there is no amount that is considered "normal". There are no other symptoms. If you have a vaginal discharge that is abnormal for you, it is a good idea to see a health practitioner to rule out all other conditions. Some women with bacterial vaginosis will experience no symptoms at all.

What causes bacterial vaginosis?

Current research has determined it is an imbalance of natural vaginal bacteria that causes bacterial vaginosis. The problem is it is not possible to determine which bacteria is out of balance. Consequently, locating the offending bacteria and eradicating it is not a solution.

How is bacterial vaginosis diagnosed?

Generally, your doctor will perform a pelvic exam to rule out other, more serious, problems. A sample of the discharge will be collected to examine under a microscope. Bacterial vaginosis can be distinguished from other common problems, such as yeast, with this microscopic exam.

There is a particular test your doctor can perform called a "whiff test". A drop of potassium hydroxide testing solution is added to the discharge. The result is usually a strong fishy odor.

How do you treat bacterial vaginosis?

The most common treatment for bacterial vaginosis is antibiotics. Usually, onecourse of treatment is successful. A small percentage of women will experience recurrent symptoms within a month. Consequently, a second course of antibiotics will be prescribed.

As women, we know that taking antibiotics to cure this problem will almost absolutely cause another problem, yeast infection. This is why more and more women are seeking natural, herbal remedies for this problem. With the antibiotics, you are trading one problem for another, more difficult, problem.

Are there complications of bacterial vaginosis?

Once bacterial vaginosis is treated, the problem is usually over. No special follow-up is necessary if the symptoms disappear. The infection is not transmitted sexually so sexual partners need not be treated.

If you are pregnant, bacterial vaginosis can cause premature labor, premature birth, infection of the amniotic fluid, and infection of the uterus. You doctor will probably test for bacterial vaginosis early in your pregnancy. Any unusual discharge during pregnancy should be reported immediately to your doctor or mid-wife.

Is there a safe, natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis?

Enzara, a product manufactured by Selmedica Healthcare, is a great natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis. It eliminates the need for antibiotics so you can treat your problem without getting another problem.

Read more about Enzara here, Cures | Home Remedies and More ( - All safe, natural cures and home remedies. clickable link to

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Bacterial Vaginosis and Pregnancy

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Vaginal bacterial infections are not only unpleasant but they can be frustrating. Plus, if you are pregnant, they can actually cause some serious health concerns for you and your unborn baby. In fact, there is a close association between Bacterial Vaginosis and premature labor as the early breaking of the waters can inevitably lead to premature labor and complications for the mother and baby. Additionally, this could also lead to an infection of the amniotic fluids, placenta, and even your baby. Scary isn?t it? Yes, it is but according to a1999 article by Hammill H, ?Over 15% of pregnant women have Bacterial Vaginosis.? Wow. Let?s discuss this condition a bit more.

Bacterial Vaginosis, commonly known as BV, is a general vaginal infection caused by an overgrowth of bacteria. With this type of untreated vaginal infection, a mother can experience early labor and complications such as the premature breaking of her water/amniotic fluid. In fact, it is estimated that around 4% of newborn babies who are born prematurely will experience serious health complications.

Therefore, if you are currently pregnant, your doctor will likely test you in the first and third trimester for BV. To do so, they will give you a routine pap smear and then evaluate your vaginal secretions via a special probe. They will carefully examine your vaginal fluid sample for signs of infections and evaluate your PH levels to determine if the are elevated. If they are, then a Bacterial Vaginosis infection is likely. Typically this examination is done at your first prenatal and after the 16th week of pregnancy. If you?re found to have a BV infection, you will likely be given a medication that has been proven effective and safe for pregnant women.

In conclusion, although Bacterial Vaginosis is a common vaginal infection that affects many women, it can cause specific concern for unborn babies and their moms. Therefore, if you suspect that you have Bacterial Vaginosis, tell your physician right away and get tested. After all, your baby is counting on you.

For additional information and tips about Bacterial Vaginosis or Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis, please visit

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Herbal Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis

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There are herbal remedies for bacterial vaginosis, other than antibiotics. When bad bacteria invade a woman's vagina, many irritating symptoms can result. For instance, a woman can suffer from soreness, inflammation, burning, swelling, smelly and unpleasant discharge, urinary discomfort, and experiencing pain during sex. Conventional doctors usually recommend prescription drugs and creams to deal with these symptoms. However, please know that these are not the only options available to you.

There are a few naturopathic doctors who described the vagina as having its own kind of ecosystem. Both good and bad bacteria can be found here. The good strains help your body from bad bacteria and other harmful organisms. Using herbal remedies for bacterial vaginosis can help create an environment where bad organisms find difficult to thrive. They help to restore the vagina's normal pH, decrease irritation and inflammation, and do away with the infecting organisms. Still, the success here is dependent on correctly diagnosing the root cause of the problem.

Vaginitis can happen because of 2 main reasons. They are either from a bacterial infection, or they result from the fungal yeast Candida albicans. It is important that a diagnostic test be done to discover what type of vaginitis you have before you start on any form of treatment. You want to use the appropriate treatment to target the type of bacteria, yeast or parasite that is invading your body. In the meantime, refrain from consuming a lot of sugar, refined carbohydrates or alcohol.

Herbal remedies for bacterial vaginosis include:

1. Garlic can put up a very strong fight against infections. Garlic contains many important antibacterial and antifungal properties. This is why this is one of the best herbal remedies for treating bacterial infections such as vaginal infections. If you decide to take garlic in the form of a supplement, it should contain 5,000 micrograms of alliums (the compound in garlic that contains the highest infection-fighting properties ). Consume 1 or 2 garlic capsules per day until the symptoms subside.

2. Goldenseal contains immunity-boosting properties. It contains a chemical known as barbering. It is a chemical that has been shown to fight off bacteria and Candida fungus that reside in the vagina' mucous membranes. Recommended dosage is about two 500-milligram goldenseal capsules once or twice a day until the symptoms subside.

3. Tracheal is a traditional herb that is used to help eliminate toxins such as bacteria or parasites out of your body. This is one of the herbal remedies that is used to restore a normal flow of bodily fluids. Simply soak one teaspoon of dried tracheal in 1 cup of hot water. Drink this as a tea before bedtime. If you do not like the the taste of this tea, by all means, consume two 500-milligram capsules of tracheal before bedtime daily instead.

Evelyn Lim is the publisher of a newsletter on Herbal Home Remedies. She draws on her practical knowledge passed down by her grandmother in the use of herbs to treat common ailments and shares about them in her newsletter. For free information and a bonus MP3 download, please visit her site at

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Some Facts About Bacterial Vaginosis

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



The single most common vaginal infection is bacterial vaginosis. Despite the fact that it holds the number one position as the most common vaginal infection for women there is quite a bit of confusion among women about bacterial vaginosis (BV).

There is also no exact trigger mechanism that is known to cause bacterial vaginosis although some general pieces of information have been assembled. It most commonly strikes the broad spectrum of women in the category of 15-44 year olds who are sexually active. Although a woman does not have to be sexually active to get BV nor does she even have to have had any kind of sex. It is well known that BV can even occur in women who are virgins.

So this helps to rule out the idea that bacterial vaginosis is a sexually transmitted disease even though it does occur more often among women who are sexually active. Women who are pregnant or who have a sexually transmitted disease tend to have higher rates or show greater risk of the occurrance of this infection. Men cannot get BV and so there has never been a need to treat the male partner.

Bacterial vaginosis simply seems to occur when some event or series of events set about to trigger a change in the normal chemical and biological makeup of the vagina. When the normal pH balance and the good bacteria that usually reside within is disrupted the onset of BV is more likely to follow.

Yeast infections seem to be more understood and a more recognizable ailment among women and there are literally dozens of products to help get rid of a yeast infection, no such arena exists for BV.

There are almost no over-the-counter products and while bacterial vaginosis can be treated and cured with antibiotics there is an incredibly high rate (30%) that the woman will get BV again within 3 to 6 months.

Discover the amazing resource book "Bacterial Vaginosis Gone Forever" at Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

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Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



If you are amongst the people that suffer from bacterial vaginosis then you may wonder what it will take to take away the itching or the unbearable burning sensation. Maybe you have tried every possible bacterial vaginosis treatment available on the market and nothing worked, but trusts me there is other venture you might consider.

Although you think you might have tried everything (prescription and medication rounds) there are many other options available. Have you ever though about Natural bacterial vaginosis treatment?

But before you go that way you might want to consult your doctor just to make sure you are effectively suffering from bacterial vaginosis and not something else.

Other thing you might want to be informed about is if you intend on using herbal or natural remedy and are already taking medication. Just make sure one does not react adversely with the other.

This particular treatment is very popular and has been proven to work. Many women use it to get rid of their yeast infection. In fact you may already have heard it, this home remedy utilizes the aid of unsweetened yogurt.

There are two simple methods for this bacterial vaginosis treatment to be effective:

Method 1:

This method requires you to paint the walls of the vagina with the yogurt. This method can get fairly messy of course so we recommend you to wear a pad while the yogurt is applied to avoid spillage.

Method 2:

This second method is less messy and requires you to use a tampon. You just need to slightly coat the tampon in the yogurt and insert it into the vagina. Just make sure you replace it every few hours.

Another home remedy you can use as a bacterial vaginosis treatment is garlic. Note this treatment is not for the faint nosed. Garlic is known as a basic wonder-herb, it can do just about anything you need. Of course this treatment is not for everybody if you can?t smell garlic then just don?t use it But many swear by this method. It is a great bacterial vaginosis treatment.

One of the methods you can with use garlic involves peeling it first; you then wrap the garlic clove in a piece of gauze then tying it off with regular dental floss. Then you need to insert it into your vagina. Just make sure to leave a length of the dental floss dangling to be able to pull it out. Repeat every few hours until the infection gets better.

Of course these Natural treatments may not be for you in that case you should turn to other alternative Natural remedies. There are various treatments available from gamut to apple cider vinegar bath to garlic suppositories and yogurt coated tampons.

Visit our website for more information about yeast infections treatment and yeast infections cure. We cover it all, from yeast infection symptoms to Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Bacterial Vaginosis Basics

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Bacterial Vaginosis is basically defined as a disruption or an upset in the bacterial balance of the normal vaginal environment.

It affects women of childbearing years (15-44) and while sexual activity does seem to play a role in the occurance of BV it is not considered a sexually transmitted disease since even women that have not had sexual intercourse (virgins) or have not had sexual intercourse for a long time can contract this infection.

There are several symptoms of bacterial vaginosis but the worst, for most women is the fishy vaginal odor.

This odor is very distinctive only to bacterial vaginosis. If you have this unfortunate and embarrassing odor you can be assured that it stems from the vaginal infection caused by bacterial vaginosis.

What is Bacterial Vaginosis?

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is when the vaginal environment undergoes a change in which the good bacteria that exist normally within begin to decrease and the bad bacteria begin to increase.

Exactly what brings about this shift is not know. Generally there may be several underlying factors or triggers that can bring about BV.

A variety of good bacteria constantly live within the vaginal area and help to protect it in a variety of ways. The bad bacteria also constantly live within the same area but when everything is in good order the good bacteria greatly outnumber the bad and keep them in check.

Two of the biggest culprits thought to bring on bacterial vaginosis are hormonal changes such as when a woman gets pregnant, starts or changes birth control and other hormonal events.

And the other is antibiotics. When you take antibiotics these powerful bacterial killers also kill the good bacteria within your body and can set the stage for bacterial vaginosis.

Learn more about Bacterial Vaginosis basics. Also get a Free book onBacterial Vaginosis

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Men Bacterial Vaginosis and Other Misconceptions

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Bacterial vaginosis is not considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD) since women who have never engaged in sexual activity can develop BV.

BV is simply caused by a reduction of good bacteria that normally live within the vaginal environment helping to protect it. Followed by an increase in bad bacteria that (which also normally live within the vaginal environment in reduced numbers) cause the major symptoms of increased discharge and sometimes a fishy vaginal odor.

A man cannot get bacterial vaginosis. It is generally thought that men cannot transmit bacterial vaginosis but they can play a role in aggravating the condition. Treating a boyfriend or treatment for a male partner is unnecessary.

It is suspected that women involved in sexual relations with another woman (or lesbian relationships) can spread or initiate BV in other women they are having intimate contact with.

You cannot spread bacterial vaginosis simply by kissing. BV by its nature is strictly limited to the vaginal region but the infection can spread up into the fallopian tubes causing difficulties with pregnancies or future attempts at pregnancy.

If you have an infection of the mouth it may likely be what is commonly called thrush (in children) or is related to a yeast infection. A yeast infection is different from bacterial vaginosis. A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of yeast within the body or a particular area and BV is an overgrowth of bad bacteria within the vaginal environment.

Food cannot cause BV and contracting the infection is not based on hygiene or other normal methods of keeping yourself clean, but it is thought that douching and other feminine products can play a role in upsetting the balance of the vaginal environment, leading to bacterial vaginosis.

There should be not lesions or sores if all you have is bacterial vaginosis. It may be possible to develop some irritation or inflammation or that scratching the area excessively may cause sores. But any sores are not directly related to BV and if you have sores you probably have some other condition and should see a doctor.

Need to learn more right now about bacterial vaginosis or discover the cause of bacterial Vaginosis?

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Monday, January 7, 2008

Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Millions of women every year experience bacterial vaginosis and many of these women will have recurring bacterial vaginosis.

One problem is that as many as fifty percent of the women with BV will not show any symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and therefore there are probably many more women that do not even know they have this infection.

What are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?

  • Increased or abnormal discharge
  • Fishy vaginal odor
  • Itching
  • Burning

While some discharge is of course perfectly normal for women if your discharge changes then this is an indication that something may be wrong.

The discharge of bacterial vaginosis will usually be white, gray or pearly gray and thin. The discharge will also tend to cling to the vaginal wall. The discharge may also carry the fishy vaginal odor.

The next symptom of bacterial vaginosis that is very distinct is the fishy vaginal odor. Again many women won't experience it but this symptom is what makes women take action because it is particularly annoying. It also can make a woman extremely embarrassed during public or intimate situations.

Women are also very likely to avoid intimate situations at all costs and will not reveal the reason why. This can lead to a great deal of increased stress to the woman and in the relationship.

The other two symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are not as likely to occur but they are also very vague indicators and could easily be representative of another problem like a yeast infection or any number of other female problems or potentially a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

Learn more details about any Symptom of Bacterial Vaginosis or get a FREE bacterial Vaginosis book that will tell you everything you need to know about BV.

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Some Facts About Bacterial Vaginosis

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



The single most common vaginal infection is bacterial vaginosis. Despite the fact that it holds the number one position as the most common vaginal infection for women there is quite a bit of confusion among women about bacterial vaginosis (BV).

There is also no exact trigger mechanism that is known to cause bacterial vaginosis although some general pieces of information have been assembled. It most commonly strikes the broad spectrum of women in the category of 15-44 year olds who are sexually active. Although a woman does not have to be sexually active to get BV nor does she even have to have had any kind of sex. It is well known that BV can even occur in women who are virgins.

So this helps to rule out the idea that bacterial vaginosis is a sexually transmitted disease even though it does occur more often among women who are sexually active. Women who are pregnant or who have a sexually transmitted disease tend to have higher rates or show greater risk of the occurrance of this infection. Men cannot get BV and so there has never been a need to treat the male partner.

Bacterial vaginosis simply seems to occur when some event or series of events set about to trigger a change in the normal chemical and biological makeup of the vagina. When the normal pH balance and the good bacteria that usually reside within is disrupted the onset of BV is more likely to follow.

Yeast infections seem to be more understood and a more recognizable ailment among women and there are literally dozens of products to help get rid of a yeast infection, no such arena exists for BV.

There are almost no over-the-counter products and while bacterial vaginosis can be treated and cured with antibiotics there is an incredibly high rate (30%) that the woman will get BV again within 3 to 6 months.

Discover the amazing resource book "Bacterial Vaginosis Gone Forever" at Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

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Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



If you are amongst the people that suffer from bacterial vaginosis then you may wonder what it will take to take away the itching or the unbearable burning sensation. Maybe you have tried every possible bacterial vaginosis treatment available on the market and nothing worked, but trusts me there is other venture you might consider.

Although you think you might have tried everything (prescription and medication rounds) there are many other options available. Have you ever though about Natural bacterial vaginosis treatment?

But before you go that way you might want to consult your doctor just to make sure you are effectively suffering from bacterial vaginosis and not something else.

Other thing you might want to be informed about is if you intend on using herbal or natural remedy and are already taking medication. Just make sure one does not react adversely with the other.

This particular treatment is very popular and has been proven to work. Many women use it to get rid of their yeast infection. In fact you may already have heard it, this home remedy utilizes the aid of unsweetened yogurt.

There are two simple methods for this bacterial vaginosis treatment to be effective:

Method 1:

This method requires you to paint the walls of the vagina with the yogurt. This method can get fairly messy of course so we recommend you to wear a pad while the yogurt is applied to avoid spillage.

Method 2:

This second method is less messy and requires you to use a tampon. You just need to slightly coat the tampon in the yogurt and insert it into the vagina. Just make sure you replace it every few hours.

Another home remedy you can use as a bacterial vaginosis treatment is garlic. Note this treatment is not for the faint nosed. Garlic is known as a basic wonder-herb, it can do just about anything you need. Of course this treatment is not for everybody if you can?t smell garlic then just don?t use it But many swear by this method. It is a great bacterial vaginosis treatment.

One of the methods you can with use garlic involves peeling it first; you then wrap the garlic clove in a piece of gauze then tying it off with regular dental floss. Then you need to insert it into your vagina. Just make sure to leave a length of the dental floss dangling to be able to pull it out. Repeat every few hours until the infection gets better.

Of course these Natural treatments may not be for you in that case you should turn to other alternative Natural remedies. There are various treatments available from gamut to apple cider vinegar bath to garlic suppositories and yogurt coated tampons.

Visit our website for more information about yeast infections treatment and yeast infections cure. We cover it all, from yeast infection symptoms to Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment.

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Bacterial Vaginosis Basics

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Bacterial Vaginosis is basically defined as a disruption or an upset in the bacterial balance of the normal vaginal environment.

It affects women of childbearing years (15-44) and while sexual activity does seem to play a role in the occurance of BV it is not considered a sexually transmitted disease since even women that have not had sexual intercourse (virgins) or have not had sexual intercourse for a long time can contract this infection.

There are several symptoms of bacterial vaginosis but the worst, for most women is the fishy vaginal odor.

This odor is very distinctive only to bacterial vaginosis. If you have this unfortunate and embarrassing odor you can be assured that it stems from the vaginal infection caused by bacterial vaginosis.

What is Bacterial Vaginosis?

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is when the vaginal environment undergoes a change in which the good bacteria that exist normally within begin to decrease and the bad bacteria begin to increase.

Exactly what brings about this shift is not know. Generally there may be several underlying factors or triggers that can bring about BV.

A variety of good bacteria constantly live within the vaginal area and help to protect it in a variety of ways. The bad bacteria also constantly live within the same area but when everything is in good order the good bacteria greatly outnumber the bad and keep them in check.

Two of the biggest culprits thought to bring on bacterial vaginosis are hormonal changes such as when a woman gets pregnant, starts or changes birth control and other hormonal events.

And the other is antibiotics. When you take antibiotics these powerful bacterial killers also kill the good bacteria within your body and can set the stage for bacterial vaginosis.

Learn more about Bacterial Vaginosis basics. Also get a Free book onBacterial Vaginosis

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Men Bacterial Vaginosis and Other Misconceptions

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Bacterial vaginosis is not considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD) since women who have never engaged in sexual activity can develop BV.

BV is simply caused by a reduction of good bacteria that normally live within the vaginal environment helping to protect it. Followed by an increase in bad bacteria that (which also normally live within the vaginal environment in reduced numbers) cause the major symptoms of increased discharge and sometimes a fishy vaginal odor.

A man cannot get bacterial vaginosis. It is generally thought that men cannot transmit bacterial vaginosis but they can play a role in aggravating the condition. Treating a boyfriend or treatment for a male partner is unnecessary.

It is suspected that women involved in sexual relations with another woman (or lesbian relationships) can spread or initiate BV in other women they are having intimate contact with.

You cannot spread bacterial vaginosis simply by kissing. BV by its nature is strictly limited to the vaginal region but the infection can spread up into the fallopian tubes causing difficulties with pregnancies or future attempts at pregnancy.

If you have an infection of the mouth it may likely be what is commonly called thrush (in children) or is related to a yeast infection. A yeast infection is different from bacterial vaginosis. A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of yeast within the body or a particular area and BV is an overgrowth of bad bacteria within the vaginal environment.

Food cannot cause BV and contracting the infection is not based on hygiene or other normal methods of keeping yourself clean, but it is thought that douching and other feminine products can play a role in upsetting the balance of the vaginal environment, leading to bacterial vaginosis.

There should be not lesions or sores if all you have is bacterial vaginosis. It may be possible to develop some irritation or inflammation or that scratching the area excessively may cause sores. But any sores are not directly related to BV and if you have sores you probably have some other condition and should see a doctor.

Need to learn more right now about bacterial vaginosis or discover the cause of bacterial Vaginosis?

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Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Millions of women every year experience bacterial vaginosis and many of these women will have recurring bacterial vaginosis.

One problem is that as many as fifty percent of the women with BV will not show any symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and therefore there are probably many more women that do not even know they have this infection.

What are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?

  • Increased or abnormal discharge
  • Fishy vaginal odor
  • Itching
  • Burning

While some discharge is of course perfectly normal for women if your discharge changes then this is an indication that something may be wrong.

The discharge of bacterial vaginosis will usually be white, gray or pearly gray and thin. The discharge will also tend to cling to the vaginal wall. The discharge may also carry the fishy vaginal odor.

The next symptom of bacterial vaginosis that is very distinct is the fishy vaginal odor. Again many women won't experience it but this symptom is what makes women take action because it is particularly annoying. It also can make a woman extremely embarrassed during public or intimate situations.

Women are also very likely to avoid intimate situations at all costs and will not reveal the reason why. This can lead to a great deal of increased stress to the woman and in the relationship.

The other two symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are not as likely to occur but they are also very vague indicators and could easily be representative of another problem like a yeast infection or any number of other female problems or potentially a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

Learn more details about any Symptom of Bacterial Vaginosis or get a FREE bacterial Vaginosis book that will tell you everything you need to know about BV.

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Find Out What Causes Bacterial Vaginosis (Yeast Infection)

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



If you've never suffered from bacterial vaginosis then it might be difficult to clench just how painful and distressing it can be. Although this is not what some people might term to be a grave condition, bacterial vaginosis can be something of a burden to many women.

Besides the fact of the pain there is also the element of embarrassment. The embarrassment factor can lead to distress, loss of confidence and insecurity for most women. So, find out the facts about yeast infections and relief yourself of all the negative factors.

Bacterial vaginosis, or a yeast infection as it is also known, can have troubling symptoms and it can even be a great hurdle in many women's lives. This is due to the fact that the symptoms of this infection just can't be ignored. Although sometimes challenging to identify, arming yourself with knowledge can be of great help.

Things like unbearable itching, a burning sensation of the irritated area, painful sexual intercourse, hurting during urination, yeasty smell or cottage cheese-like discharge, and a rash are all indications that you might be suffering from a yeast infection, or bacterial vaginosis.

These symptoms don't always have to be a yeast infection, but these are all good indicators. If you feel that you might have a yeast infection, there are a few things that you might want to do first.

Consulting a trained medical doctor should be the first order of the day if this is the first time you have ever had a yeast infection. If your bacterial vaginosis is repeated then you always have the alternative of treating it yourself through one of the many home remedies. This is where your knowledge of this burdening infection will come in very handy.

Another thing that you might want to look into doing if you think that you have bacterial vaginosis is to abstain from sexual intercourse as your partner might also contract this infection. Though infection isn't a sexually transmissible disease, it can be transferred from one mate to the other through sexual intercourse.

Since bacterial vaginosis can be repeated in some women, it's always best to know what the causes are of this particular infection. By learning this info you then have the option of being able to take preventative measures and steps to help stop the recurrence of a yeast infection. Getting to know your body and it's functioning will be knowledge to you that is priceless.

Causes of bacterial vaginosis can include hormonal instability and things leading to a hormonal imbalance like pregnancy, menopause, and menstruation. All of these can lead to a bodily unbalance which in turn can lead to a yeast infection.

There are also those factors which can throw the ph balance of the vagina out of synch. When this happens the yeast inducing bacterium can have free rule to flourish in the vagina.

These factors include the use of douches or feminine sprays, the use of scented feminine hygienics products, the use of spermicides, and elongated contact with semen.

There are also other factors to take in such as the extended use of antibiotics, birth control pills, stress, and even certain types of clothing such as too-tight jeans and wet bathing suits.

As you can see bacterial vaginosis can surface as a result of many factors, but if you take care to avoid most of these, you should be able to keep bacterial vaginosis from occurring or even recurring. Also, if you take a proactive approach and know when you have this infection you can quickly provide the appropriate remedy.

Bowe Packer provides free and valuable online information. He has written numerous articles on Bacterial Vaginosis, commonly known as yeast infection. Visit his yeast infection site and learn The causes and cures of yeast infections for free.

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Did You Know That Yogurt Helps Bacterial Vaginosis?

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



If you?re like most women, you?ve probably experience at least one case of Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) in your life. If you haven?t, consider yourself extremely lucky. Bacterial Vaginosis is no picnic and its symptoms include an unpleasant, fishy odor as well as itching, burning and maybe even a green or yellow discharge. Instead of holding your head in shame, there is something that you can do about it. You can try yogurt to help Bacterial Vaginosis. Now, I?m not talking about eating strawberry, peach, or banana yogurt with fruit at the bottom, and hoping that your Bacterial Vaginosis will mysteriously vanish. I?m talking about a special kind of yogurt, the plain, unpasteurized kind that you obtain from the health food store.

You will need to find plain yogurt that contains live lactobacillus acidophilus, an active culture which is typically found at health food stores and even some grocery stores. You see, lactobacillus will not only stop the growth of harmful bacteria, but will also help you restore your balance of healthy vaginal bacteria. Wow. Sounds like a miracle cure, doesn?t it?

To use this remedy to cure your Bacterial Vaginosis, you have two options. You can either eat at least 8 ounces of plain yogurt that contains lactobacillus acidophilus as part of a healthy diet or (if you are not pregnant and want to experience results even faster), you can put the yogurt directly inside your vagina at bedtime. This can be done by applying it directly into your vagina using an applicator or a small spoon. Make sure that you wear a non-deodorized pad to avoid soiling your underpants. If this sounds too messy, you can also insert the lactobacilli, which are available in a tablet or gelatin capsule, directly into your vagina. The key is to do this for 7 whole days.

My advice is that if you?re really serious about using yogurt to help your Bacterial Vaginosis, you do it alone or in conjunction with your doctor?s prescribed antibiotic treatment. After all, what have you got to lose? The yogurt treatment will at the very least boost your immune system and may in fact cure your one-time or recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis once and for all.

Kristi Patrice Carter is an experienced health writer and the author of Beating Bacterial Vaginosis for Good! (A comprehensive eBook that teaches women how to successfully overcome Bacterial Veginosis). For additional information about Bacterial Vaginosis Recurrent please visit

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Facts On Bacterial Vaginosis

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Bacterial Vaginosis, commonly referred to as Gardnerella Vaginitis is an abnormal vaginal condition or imbalance of vaginal bacteria that is caused by an overgrowth of one of several organisms that are normally present in the vagina. When a woman?s ?bad? bacteria outweighs her ?good? bacteria, Bacterial Vaginosis is typically the culprit. This type of vaginal infection is not necessarily sexually related but tends to be more prevalent in sexually active women with new or multiple sexual partners. However, virgins or women that have never had sexual intercourse can also experience Bacterial Vaginosis. When a women suspects Bacterial Vaginosis, she typically experiences a strong fishy odor that is more obvious during and after sexual intercourse. In addition, she may also experience a white or grayish discharge and burning or itching sensations.

If you suspect that you may have Bacterial Vaginosis, you should seek a diagnosis from your physician. To diagnose this condition, she will perform a pelvic examination and will evaluate your vaginal lining and cervix for tenderness. She will also evaluate a sampling of your vaginal fluid and take a look at your ?clue cells? under the microscope. This test will help her determine if you have Bacterial Vaginosis, a yeast Infection, a sexually transmitted infection like Trichomonas, or if you?re in the clear. Lastly, she will perform a ?whiff test? in which she combines your fluid with potassium hydroxide and then takes a whiff of it to see if it smells fishy. If it does smell fishy then you likely have Bacterial Vaginosis. If you do have Bacterial Vaginosis, you?ll likely receive a round of antibiotics like Metronidazole that can be taken orally or a gel that can be applied vaginally. Another option will be Clindamycin cream that you will insert vaginally.

If you suspect that you have Bacterial Vaginosis, you should seek a diagnosis from a qualified medical professional. She will utilize various methods to diagnose you and will give you some antibiotics to help rid you of your infection once and for all!

Mishaun Taylor is an author and infopreneur. For additional information about Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis, please visit

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Understanding Bacterial Vaginosis

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Bacterial Vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection of American women. Also known as Gardnerella-associated Vaginitis or just Vaginitis, the condition results from an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina.

If you have Bacterial Vaginosis, you might notice signs like discharge, odor, itching, burning or pain. Women suffering from Bacterial Vaginosis often notice a strong fishy or unpleasant musky odor particularly after sexual intercourse. Additionally, you may notice more discharge than normal, and the discharge can be thin and of a white or gray color. Many women with the infection feel itching or irritation. However, some women don?t have any signs of Bacterial Vaginosis at all. In fact, experts say that more than 50 percent of women with Bacterial Vaginosis have no symptoms at all.

Though Bacterial Vaginosis is listed as a sexually transmitted disease by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the disease is considered a mild infection and the actual cause of the disease is not known. Though you can?t catch it from someone, women who have not had sex are rarely affected by Bacterial Vaginosis. However, women with multiple sex partners or are currently with a new sex partner are more likely to develop the infection.

To understand how Bacterial Vaginosis might occur, one needs to understand how the natural flora function in the vagina. In the vagina, there is a greater balance of what?s considered to be good bacteria. These bacteria are of the same type that you might eat in yogurt?lactobacilli. Also present are the bad bacteria, but the good bacteria keep them in balance. When Bacterial Vaginosis occurs, the balance of power shifts toward the bad bacteria as they overtake the natural good bacteria flora.

If you think you have Bacterial Vaginosis, you must seek treatment from your doctor. If the infection is left untreated, it can spread up into the uterus or fallopian tubes and cause a more serious infection. For pregnant women, treatment is especially important because the infection can travel up into the uterus.

Diagnosis is made by your doctor by both physical exam and laboratory test. On the physical exam, the doctor can observe the irritation and discharge as well as smell the odor. The laboratory test will determine the presence of the bad bacteria, Gardnerella, and the lack of lactobacilli, the good bacteria.

Treatment includes an antibiotic regimen taken either orally or vaginally and may include Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone, Clindamycin, Tetracycline or Metronidazole.

Kristi Patrice Carter is an experienced health writer and the author of Beating Bacterial Vaginosis for Good! (A comprehensive eBook that teaches women how to successfully overcome Bacterial Veginosis). For additional information, please visit

Learn more about Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis

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Four Facts on Bacterial Vaginosis

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Fact #1: Bacterial Vaginosis is the single most common type of vaginal infection in women. Even though it holds this number one position there is plenty of confusion among women about bacterial vaginosis (BV).

Fact #2: There is no exact trigger mechanism that you or a doctor can look at that says "this is exactly how you contracted Bacterial Vaginosis". There is more than likely a series of events that lead to the BV problem. From general lack of health, use of antibiotics, poor diet may all be contributing factors.

Fact #3: The large catagory of women in the 15-44 range who are sexually active are most likely to develop BV. But a woman does not have to be sexually active to get BV. Even women who are virgins can also contract this problem that is exclusive to females.

Fact #4 Anti-biotics for Bacterial Vaginosis can be effective but they do have some drawbacks. Anti-biotics can kill other friendly bacteria in your body that are very important to your health. Anti-biotics have around a 30% failure rate in the fact that many women will simply have another recurring bout of BV within 3-6 months.

Bacterial vaginosis appears to occur when some event or series of events bring about a change in the normal chemical and biological flora of the vagina. When the good bacteria that usually reside within is disrupted and the normal (mildly acidic) pH balance is upset the onset of BV is more likely to occur.

There are almost no over-the-counter products for bacterial vaginosis while there are dozens of products for yeast infections.

But there are natural ways to herbally cure BV and to break the cycle of recurring bacterial vaginosis.

To learn about a Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment get the book Bacterial Vaginosis Gone Forever

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7 Tips To Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Scientific studies suggest that BV is common in women of reproductive age. In the U.S. the prevalence rate is approx 1 in 424 women. Statistics show that as many as 16% of pregnant women in the U.S. suffer from Bacterial Vaginosis.

Vaginal odor is not an issue of being "dirty", as many people believe. It is simply a pH imbalance in the vagina. If you suffer from BV, do not despair because there is hope.

First of all, bacterial vaginosis is not your fault. That reminds me of something that Forest Gump once said, "it happens--- sometimes?. He was serious.

There are stories that would nearly bring tears to your eyes- of women being embarrassed, about whispers of 'a strange smell', of being afraid to get close to anyone in social situations, the inability to have intimacy with their partner, and even marital separations.

This is an issue that gets very little media attention. Most people just sweep it under the rug so to speak because it is such a personal issue. There are countless women with bacterial vaginosis that are afraid to even mention it to their family physician.

It is time to speak out. Vaginal odor from bacterial vaginosis is a medical problem, not a hygiene problem. Even if you nearly scrubbed the skin off, the intense cleansing would not make it go away.

Therefore it is a problem that can not be simply wished away or ignored. You can not afford to risk your health and happiness over this imbalance when it can be treated.

Bacterial vaginosis is actually an infection with inflammation in the vagina. It is caused by an overabundance of certain bacteria.

The vagina normally contains a lot of "good" bacteria, called lactobacilli. This ?good? bacteria is what causes the vagina to maintain the proper acidic balance.

The other bacteria sometimes called the ?bad? bacteria, named anaerobes are not really bad unless there are excessive amounts of them.

So as you can see, it is caused by a disruption in the normal chemical balance of the vagina. The symptoms of BV is cramps, pain, itching, discharge, and odor.

The best way to make sure that you have bacterial vaginosis instead of a yeast infection or another type of infection is to check the discharge. If you have bacterial vaginosis the discharge will be thin, milky white or gray, usually with a foul or fishy smell.

While it's more common in women who are sexually active, it also occurs in women who are not sexually active. It is usually unnecessary for your sexual partner to be treated.

Vaginal odor is usually the most intense, and extremely noticable when a couple is intimate. This is probably due to the increased temperature, an alkalinity based hormonal release, and extra moisture during this time.

Immediately following sexual intercourse the fishy smell is the strongest because of the alkalinity of the seminal vesicle secretion.

If the infection isn't treated, the bacteria may spread into the uterus or the fallopian tubes and cause more serious infections leading to pelvic inflammatory disease.

In the most severe cases, this infection can cause pregnancy complications, sterility, and greater risk for HIV. Treating bacterial vaginosis lowers this risk.

It is important that this disease be treated on the inside (medication), and on the outside (cream or gel) as soon as possible.

7 Tips That Can Help Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis:

1. Wear cotton underwear instead of synthetic fabrics.
2. Wear thigh-highs instead of pantyhose.
3. Avoid tight pants.
4. Wipe from front to back after a bowel movement.
5. Dry yourself well after a shower.
6. Refrain from using oils in the bath(trapping bacteria).
7. Douche only once a month with mild douche.

Also, here is a simple douche to help restore a well balanced pH level in the vagina. Add one teaspoon of boric acid or a half-cup of hydrogen peroxide to two quarts of warm water.

A good practice when douching is to always use gentle formulas instead of strong vinegar based ones. Over cleansing can kill to many of the good bacteria.

Hopefully you are sufficiently encouraged now to get the attention you need. Do not ever be too embarrassed to seek a solution for bacterial vaginosis, and vaginal odor.

You deserve to live your life to the fullest, to have a social life without worry, and to completely and totally enjoy an intimate relationship with your partner.
Rita Kennon is an avid researcher and reporter of health issues. Of particular interest is natural alternative solutions for treating various imbalances, chronic illnesses, and diseases. End Vaginal Odor Immediately & Forever

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