Natural Cure Bacterial Vaginosis

Friday, January 18, 2008

Bacterial Vaginosis - Thrush Away The Candida Vaginal Infection

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis



Bacterial vaginosis is a common condition in women; and in many cases women diagnosed with the problem become alarmingly concerned, all because they know nothing about this health matter. With a better understanding on bacterial vaginosis, it will however, help the woman cope with any symptoms and more importantly, how to treat it.

Bacterial vaginosis is directed towards the female vagina. In abbreviation (BV) is very much a vaginal condition caused by an overgrowth of various bacteria. It is not just a simple infection caused by one type of bacterium. One of the primary symptoms is vaginal discharge and all women at some time emit this substance. BV has been labeled as being the most common cause of vaginal discharge in women of childbearing age. The vaginal deposit in colour is normally recognized as a white-grey. It is not rare to detect at this stage of the condition a distinctive odour (fishy smell) which women find embarrassing. Embarrassment comes to the fore for the female when having sex because the smell tends to get stronger. Some women may notice a heavier release of vaginal discharge just after a period.

The actual bacterial vaginosis discharge is not as a rule known to cause discomfort i.e. soreness around the vulva or itchiness. For some women their daily activities go undisturbed due to absent symptoms - leaving them unaware that they suffer from the condition. Amazingly In some cases BV is found by chance after a medical examination. Aside from the primary cause - the second cause of discharge can be due to thrush, thrush is an infection caused by yeast called Candida. In contrast to BV you can expect to see a thick white discharge and experience discomfort. Symptoms for this health issue are itchiness and soreness around the vagina and vulva. Once again another embarrassing situation to find your self in if the itch gets out of control.

BV may have several bacteria present in the vagina; it is not solely instigated by just one type. There is still no clear answer as to why the overgrowth of bacteria occurs. However research still goes on. Surprisingly there are many types of harmless bacteria which enter the vagina, however although harmless to the female these bacteria's are a type of defence which wage a war against harmful germs such as Candida etc. There is no indication that this complaint has anything to do with personal hygiene. Bacterial vaginosis is not initiated by lack of profuse cleansing. Facts actually show that excessive washing in the private region can upset the normal balance of bacteria which can encourage it to develop.

A couple of questions that pop up often from women is, is bacterial vaginosis a sexually transmitted disease? No it is not an STD, it can affect any woman. The second question is, are there any possible complications with bacterial vaginosis that I need to know about? Expectant mothers suffering from BV can increase the risk of developing some complications during pregnancy if it is not treated. Complications can be that of miscarriage, early labour, or infection of the uterus (womb) after delivery.

Going without medication (treatment) there is a strong possibility of developing infections. As stated earlier the better understanding on BV the better for the patient. Pick up a leaflet from your local hospital or clinic on bacterial vaginosis, but for a better understanding - talk to your doctor.

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